Oct72014Latest NewsAn indoor pool, an aquarium and an indoor ‘drive-in garage’ for its own speedboat: On board a 196ft mega yacht http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-2777796/On-board-196-foot-J-ade-mega-yacht-world-s-floating-drive-garage.html Category: Latest NewsBy John Davies07/10/2014Leave a comment Author: John Davies https://www.southwestmaritimeacademy.com Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Breaking news: Fire on cross channel FerryNextNext post:A trip to Ribcraft RibsRelated postsNew courses: RYA First Aid15/06/2015Launch of RYA Interactive courses22/03/2015Back to basics – Staff Training21/02/2015Train Now…. Pay Later scheme20/02/2015Launch of new courses20/02/2015Would you like to be a guest author?19/02/2015