Today we have several updates that will be coming through with the first being the launch of our new courses. We have always strived to create and deliver the most realistic training possible and not just be another tick in the box company. We are proud that we do not have a single book instructor on our TEAM and that we are made up of individuals from a vast background that work in the industries they teach. With this in mind we have taken our time to expand and get the courses right before marketing them out as training should be about quality and not quantity.
The new courses we are offering are a direct result of feedback received from our students as to what they need to progress in their chosen career at sea.

Proficiency in Medical First Aid
This four day course building on your skills learnt during your Elementary First Aid course. The course is designed to give seafarers the skills and confidence to deal with injuries and illnesses onboard and is a requirement for those needing a certificate of competence.
Click here for further information
Advanced Fire Fighting
The Advanced Fire Fighting training course forms part of the training required for deck and engineering officers who wish to qualify for a certificate of competency and crew who are designated to control fire fighting operations.
This course builds upon the basic skills learnt whilst undergoing the STCW-95 Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting course with a large emphasis on “Command and Control”. During this highly practical course you will be put through your paces and will be assessed on your ability to control fire fighting operations.
Click here for further information

RYA VHF Marine Radio Short Range Certificate (Classroom based)
Our VHF radio course introduces you to the VHF and GMDSS radio sets and follows the short range certification required to achieve the qualification of Restricted (VHF) Radio Operator. This is a legal requirement for using or overseeing a VHF radio on board a ship.
Click here for further information
Online courses
RYA online is a fun and interactive time efficient method of getting the training you need at a pace and price that suits you. By covering all learning styles it suits most people.
So whether you don’t want to take time off work or have difficulty learning in a classroom environment the RYA Interactive online courses can help. Furthermore all you need is a computer and internet connection.

RYA Powerboat Level 2
The RYA Powerboat level 2 course is aimed as an introduction to power boating with the course covering a much wider range of topics than the level 1 course. There are no pre-requisites for the course but it aims to provide a good, broad base of experience for anyone who wants to take a powerboat out on their own.
As with all of our courses the days will be mainly practical and hands on to give you the best experience, skills and confidence in the handling of powerboats.
Click here for further information